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Key Person

Your child’s key person:

•Is your main point of contact within the setting

•Helps your child to become settled, happy and safe

•Is responsible for your child’s care, development and learning

•Carefully notes your child’s progress and offers support in guiding your child's development at home

Each child is allocated a Key Person when they join the nursery.  The purpose of the Key Person is to develop a strong, supportive relationship with both you and your child.  We allocate your Key Person before your child joins us so that we can build a strong one-to-one relationship from your very first settling-in visit. 

Healthy Eating

At Well Place meal times are very important to us.   All our food is freshly prepared each day by our specialist nursery meal provider using locally sourced ingredients.  Our menus are designed to be healthy, nutritious and balanced.  We are able to cater for allergies and any specialist dietary requirements.  We also provide healthy snacks mid-morning and mid- afternoon.  We offer a choice of milk and water at snack times with fresh drinking water available at all times. 

Our children enjoy regular cooking activities with our nursery staff using our own kitchen.

Our Staff

The staff at Well Place are carefully chosen for their dedication and passion and we pride ourselves on our staff retention.   We encourage and support our staff with training to further their professional development.

Our staff either hold, or are working to obtain, an OFSTED recognised qualification  and we offer an Apprenticeship Programme which enables young people to access vocational training within a nursery environment.
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