Our Baby and Toddler rooms occupy the top floor of the nursery where the open plan design means that children have access to a spacious area, specially adapted for their needs. Young babies have their own dedicated soft area where they can explore and discover in a protected environment.
There is a dedicated cot room which has a monitor system in addition to being regularly checked by staff every 10 minutes. This room is both heated and air conditioned and provides a calm, peaceful atmosphere with fairy lights and soft music where your child can sleep undisturbed.
The daily routine is very flexible and our staff are able to adapt the routine to accommodate the individual care needs of each child. Children take part in Messy Play activities, Music and Movement sessions, cooking and yoga in a calm and nurturing atmosphere.
When your child is ready to begin weaning we will be on hand to offer advice and support both on adult and baby lead methods. Younger children are offered food that is suitable to their palate and needs and our cook is able to tailor recipes to suit even the youngest tastes.
We prepare and store formula and breast milk feeds in accordance with the latest guidelines.